Phthalo Productions
produce media for organizations dedicated to helping others. I do everything: film, photograph, design, edit, research, report and write. However, nothing beats collaborating with people who care deeply about what they do.
e specialize in educational, political and promotional videos. From pre-production to post-production, we’re a one-stop shop. You can check out a sampling of my promotional films, my political videos, as well as the trailers of my narrative and documentary work.
e almost always know what’s the right thing to do—the hard part is doing it. Politics aren’t pie-in-the-sky idealism, though. It’s a matter of getting things done and making a difference. When it comes to helping the middle and working class, improving our schools and communities, saving our planet, fostering honesty and trust, and providing a fair shake for everybody, we agree with Barack Obama: Better is good. Better is worth working for. Phthalo Productions produces media (commercials, campaign videos, podcasts) for people who go about this hard, important work with courage and conviction.
t’s people that interest me, people’s faces. I specialize in documentary-style portrait photography, often in conjunction with our video projects.
or many years, I was a magazine and newspaper journalist, writing long-form news features and essays for The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine and many other publications—plus the book Slaphappy.
‘ve written and directed two narrative features, a web series, documentaries, and various shorts. Phthalo Productions is a division of Fancy Man Films.